For years I have stamped my feet for Regional Australia to be included in the conversation about innovation investment. While I have made some progress, right now I feel...
Is there something in the water of the Murrumbidgee River? Wagga Wagga, which straddles the river and is located in south-western NSW, has a population of around 54,000, making...
Innovation activity is crucial in addressing job losses in regional Australia, but more government support and education is required to capitalise on this, Incubate at 35 Degrees co-founder Dianna...
Legendary US entrepreneur Kay Koplovitz describes the 2016 presidential primaries’ season in the US as “very disheartening, very dispiriting,” and the “craziest election cycle I have ever seen.” “It’s...
Defining and implementing effective industry policy for regional Australia is difficult. Look at any government’s regional development policies in the past 30 years and you will find a mixed...