In a world where rival superpowers the United States and China are spending many trillions of dollars to win the new digital industrial revolution, Australia’s vital economic statistics and...
Australia is a highly educated, ethnically diverse and resource-rich country with 159 billionaires; $3.4 trillion in superannuation savings; a $22.7 billion Future Made in Australia policy; a $272 billion...
In a world reeling from massive technology-driven systems change, investment bubbles in new new things that are billed to be Holy Grail solutions to wicked problems are both features...
The domestic tech sector is still waiting for a formal federal government response to the Pathway to Diversity in STEM review which began in March last year and was...
There is chatter going around the Australian software sector that the federal government has conducted extensive polling to gauge Australians attitudes to generative AI. The chatter says the polling...
There are many unanswered questions regarding the viability of the new era of state-led, taxpayer-funded green industrial policy that has become de rigueur in Australia and much of the...
Wars are bloody, wild and noisy things, and in the amped up battle for global AI supremacy, June has been cacophonous. Apple finally made the leap into the fray...
In comedy and politics, just as in business and innovation, timing is everything. This week, Australians were reminded of the truth of this enduring axiom. News Corporation Australasia executive...
What are we to make of the increasing volume and intensity of competing ‘facts’ about Australia’s green energy transition, how to achieve it and at what cost? I mean,...
If securing a future made in Australia and becoming a green energy superpower are universally acknowledged as moonshot ambitions, then skilling the Australian workforce to achieving these goals must...