The new Victorian Information Commissioner is lawyer Sean Morrison, who brings senior experience from across the state public sector. Mr Morrison moves from his role as Special Investigator for...
Laws are only as good as the ability to enforce them, and in 2023 technology policy was accompanied by concerns with our regulators and their various roles and abilities...
A “right to erasure” that goes further than the European Union’s data regulations and the introduction of fair and reasonable information handling principles are among the reforms to Commonwealth...
Australia’s privacy authority has called for more funding and stronger enforcement powers to bring it into line with its global peers as part of a sweeping review of the...
The workings of big business and government have come under intense scrutiny in recent times. The Banking Royal Commission revealed multiple instances of malfeasance. The enquiry into Victoria’s hotel...
Australia’s privacy office “urgently” needs more funding to properly conduct its oversight role of the COVIDSafe contact tracing app, with Labor calling for three standalone commissioners to also be...
The privacy and competition watchdogs have outlined how they plan to enforce the rules and laws surrounding the Consumer Data Right, which will be launched into the banking sector...