Reimagining expertise: Malcolm Gladwell 2.0

The rapid advancement of generative AI is challenging long-held notions of expertise and mastery. The traditional belief, epitomised by Malcolm Gladwell’s “10,000-hour rule” – that expertise demands extensive practice – is being upended by AI’s capability to produce outputs of high quality, both creative and technical, with minimal human input. 

This shift requires reevaluating the skills and knowledge that will remain valuable as AI begins to automate and potentially devalue some complex cognitive tasks.

The rise of generative AI is not just another technological advancement; it’s a seismic shift that will reshape the landscape of cognitive work. As AI systems become increasingly capable of automating complex tasks, the nature of what it means to be an expert may be called into question. 

The days of relying solely on practiced mastery are numbered, and those who fail to adapt risk being left behind.

It is crucial to recognise that AI is not a replacement for human intelligence, but rather an augmentation. While this technology will be disruptive across many fields, herein lies opportunity. 

As AI takes over more routine and repetitive tasks, the skills that will be most valuable in the future are those that enable effective human-AI collaboration.

This includes thinking critically, asking the right questions, and providing the contextual understanding and ethical guidance that AI systems lack. It also involves developing new forms of creativity, such as imagining novel use cases for AI, designing compelling prompts to guide its outputs, and combining its insights innovatively.

Central to this evolving landscape is the concept of discernment. As AI systems generate vast amounts of information and creative content, the ability to discern quality, relevance, and ethical implications becomes paramount. Discernment – the skill of making keen observations and good judgments – will be a defining characteristic of human expertise in the AI era.

This faculty of discernment extends beyond mere fact checking or quality assessment. It encompasses the nuanced understanding of context, the recognition of subtle biases, and the capacity to align AI outputs with human values and societal needs. As AI becomes more sophisticated, our ability to discern when to trust its judgments and when to apply human insight will be crucial.

The creative frontier: AI and the arts

The integration of artificial intelligence into the creative process is not just augmenting existing art forms – it may give birth to entirely new modes of artistic expression. The advent of AI in the arts is opening up possibilities for interactive, adaptive, and personalised art experiences that evolve in real-time, based on audience engagement or environmental inputs. Moreover, AI’s ability to process and synthesise vast amounts of data is enabling artists to create works that visualise complex phenomena or abstract concepts in novel ways.

For a striking example of a new tool that promises both opportunity and disruption, consider the development earlier this year of generative models that can produce high quality video output in response to a text prompt. These advanced systems can generate visually complex and coherent videos in a fraction of the time it would take human creators.

As AI systems continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in content creation, we’re moving towards a future where the idea of a “solo artist” might evolve significantly. The creative professional of the future may excel at guiding and refining AI-generated content, combining human creativity with AI capabilities.

Traditionally, mastering video production required extensive training, expensive equipment, and a deep understanding of storytelling techniques, visual aesthetics, and post-production processes. However, with generative AI, individuals can create professional-grade videos without any of these things, democratising the creative process and dramatically lowering production costs and barriers to entry.

Imagine a world-renowned filmmaker who never touches a camera, instead spending her days crafting intricate prompts for AI systems, weaving together generated scenes into cohesive narratives that push the boundaries of cinematic storytelling. Or picture a bestselling author whose novels are born from a symbiotic dance between his imagination and an AI’s vast knowledge, creating worlds and characters that no human mind alone could conceive.

The emotion engine

As AI becomes increasingly proficient at emulating human creativity, one key differentiator in the arts may be our capacity for genuine emotion and lived experience. This could lead to a new frontier in AI development: the race to create an “emotion engine” that can generate art with authentic feeling.

Imagine AI systems that don’t just create based on patterns and prompts, but develop their simulated emotional states, creating art as a machine catharsis. We might see AI-generated works that express synthetic joy, digitally rendered despair, or algorithmically conceived love. This could lead to entirely new forms of art that explore the nature of consciousness, emotion, and creativity itself.

This raises philosophical quandaries: if an AI can create art that moves us emotionally, does it matter that the emotion behind it isn’t “real”? And if we can’t tell the difference, is there a difference at all?

The human touch in a machine world

As AI’s capabilities grow, the value of unmistakably human-created art might skyrocket. We could see a bifurcation in the art world: mass-market entertainment dominated by AI-human collaborations alongside a haute couture market for 100 per cent human-made works, valued for their flaws and idiosyncrasies as much as their beauty.

Artists might start deliberately introducing imperfections into their work as a form of watermarking, proving their human origin. Paradoxically, as AI gains technical mastery, humans might strive for deliberate imperfection as a mark of authenticity.

Legal labyrinths 

We’ll be forced to grapple with new ethical questions, too. If an AI creates a work of genius, who owns it? The AI’s creators? The people whose art it was trained on? Or should the AI itself hold the copyright? And if AIs can create infinite variations of existing works, how do we prevent the drowning of human creativity in an ocean of machine-generated content?

Our current copyright laws might look outdated in this brave new world of AI-assisted creativity. We may need to reimagine intellectual property for the AI age completely. What if we embraced a “great creative commons” where all AI-generated content becomes part of a shared cultural resource?

In this system, artists would be compensated not for ownership of specific works but for their skill in curating, combining, and contextualising AI outputs. Imagine a Spotify-like platform for AI-generated content, where artists earn royalties based on how effectively they remix and repurpose the collective creative output of humanity and machines.

The curator is king

In this new world, the most valuable skill might not be creation but curation. As AIs churn out endless rivers of content, the ability to sift through it all and identify meaningful, impactful works could become the most prized talent in the creative industries.

We might see the rise of “super-curators”, individuals or teams with an ability to spot needles in the haystack of AI-generated content. These tastemakers could wield immense cultural power, shaping public discourse and artistic trends through their selections.

Moreover, this trend might lead to a new form of artistic arms race, where meta-creators compete not just on their artistic vision, but on their mastery of AI systems and their ability to push these tools to their limits. In this landscape, the most successful artists might be those who can navigate the complex interplay between human creativity and machine generation, blurring the lines between curation, creation, and collaboration in ways we can barely imagine today.

AI collaboration and critical thinking

Effective human-AI collaboration requires a dynamic blend of critical thinking, contextual understanding, and the ability to adapt to rapidly evolving AI capabilities. As AI systems become more advanced, humans must continually refine their skills in providing effective inputs and critically evaluating outputs.

This involves understanding AI’s strengths and limitations, identifying potential biases or errors in its outputs, and knowing when and how to intervene to guide the system towards more accurate or appropriate results.

In many fields, AI offers the prospects of collaborative research and design. For example, AlphaFold, developed by DeepMind, is an AI program that predicts protein structures from their amino acid sequences. Previously, this task was challenging for scientists, often requiring years of experimentation to produce gradual progress.

Before AlphaFold, after decades of effort, scientists had predicted the structure of about 17 percent of the cataloged proteins known to science. In collaboration with scientists, during only a few months, AlphaFold has made predicted structures available for nearly 100 per cent of them.

The evolution of software engineering

As AI systems become increasingly proficient at generating code, the role of software engineers is undergoing a significant transformation. Engineers are shifting from line-by-line coding to a higher level of abstraction, collaborating with AI systems to create software solutions. This evolution calls for a fundamental reexamination of programming languages, development environments, and the philosophies underpinning them.

As AI takes on implementation tasks at a low level, there’s a growing need for transparency and interpretability in AI-generated code. Future programming paradigms may need to incorporate mechanisms for AI systems to provide clear explanations of their code generation process, allowing human developers to understand, verify, and modify the AI’s output effectively.

Abstraction and composability

Alan Kay, a pioneer in object-oriented programming, famously advocated for a “turtles all the way down” approach to computing – the idea that complex systems should be built upon layers of abstraction, with each layer being simple and understandable. In a world where AI takes on more low-level implementation, this philosophy may point the way forward. 

Programming languages and environments may need to prioritise even higher levels of abstraction, focusing on expressive power, composability, and ease of reasoning about system behavior at a macro level.

The impact on professions

The influence of AI extends far beyond the realms of creativity and STEM fields. It’s poised to reshape numerous professions, from law and medicine to architecture and data science. Let’s explore how AI is likely to impact some of these fields:


AI is already making inroads in the legal profession, particularly in areas like document review and legal research. Tools like ROSS Intelligence can analyse vast amounts of legal data to find relevant cases and statutes. As these systems become more sophisticated, they may be able to draft basic legal documents or even predict case outcomes based on historical data.

However, the role of lawyers will not disappear. Instead, it will likely evolve to focus more on high-level strategy, complex negotiations, and the human aspects of legal practice that AI cannot replicate. Lawyers will need to become adept at working alongside AI tools, using them to enhance their efficiency and accuracy while providing the critical thinking and ethical judgment that only humans can offer.


In healthcare, AI is used for tasks like analysing medical images, predicting patient outcomes, and even assisting in surgical procedures. For example, AI systems have shown remarkable accuracy in detecting certain types of cancer from radiological images.

As AI becomes more integrated into healthcare, medical professionals must develop new skills. They’ll need to understand how to interpret AI-generated insights, when to trust or question them, and how to communicate AI-assisted diagnoses to patients. The human touch in healthcare – empathy, complex decision-making, and ethical considerations – will remain crucial.

Across the professions, a common theme emerges: the need for professionals to develop skills in AI literacy, critical thinking, and human-AI collaboration. The most successful professionals in the AI era will be those who can effectively leverage AI tools to enhance their work while providing the uniquely human skills – creativity, empathy, ethical judgment, and complex problem-solving – that AI cannot replicate.

While there’s much discussion about AI “democratising” various fields and putting power in the hands of everyday people, a more realistic scenario might see the emergence of a new elite across multiple sectors. Rather than levelling the playing field, AI could potentially reinforce and even exacerbate existing power structures. The super-curators, engineers, and early adopters at the top of the AI ecosystem are likely to maintain and possibly strengthen their positions of influence. Their expertise in navigating complex AI systems, access to innovative technology, established networks, and control over vast datasets could create significant barriers to entry for newcomers.

This shift in professional requirements naturally raises questions about how we prepare the future workforce. As the expertise landscape evolves, so must our approach to education. Universities, as bastions of knowledge and innovation, are uniquely positioned to lead this transformation.

The role of universities

The advent of AI is not merely changing professional landscapes; it’s fundamentally reshaping how we learn and teach. Traditional pedagogy, emphasising memorisation and note-taking, was already losing relevance in the digital age. The rise of AI will only accelerate this shift, compelling universities to reimagine the learning experience and their role in preparing students for an AI-driven future.

Transforming the learning experience

Universities now have the opportunity to harness AI’s power to create more personalised and effective learning environments. Consider the potential of AI-powered learning companions that adapt to each student’s cognitive processes, offering tailored metacognitive guidance as they tackle complex problems. 

AI tools could revolutionise education in fields like history by enabling students to interact with primary sources, analyse historical patterns, and explore counterfactual scenarios, deepening their understanding of causality and contingency in historical events.

As AI assumes more routine cognitive tasks, universities must pivot to cultivating skills that remain uniquely human and are crucial for the future workforce. To forecast the evolving workplace landscape, the World Economic Forum has identified ten key skills expected to be in high demand by 2025. These include analytical thinking, active learning, complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and resilience. 

This shift necessitates a fundamental transformation in higher education towards more experiential, project-based, and interdisciplinary learning models. Such approaches will empower students to apply analytical thinking to real-world challenges, engage in active learning that fosters resilience and adaptability, and develop the complex problem-solving skills essential in an AI-driven world. 

By emphasising leadership and ideation alongside critical thinking and creativity, these educational models will prepare students to solve current problems and envision and create future innovations. Ultimately, this reimagined educational framework will enable students to continually update their knowledge and skills, thriving in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly evolving workplace where human ingenuity complements AI capabilities.

Specialised AI models in education

While large language models like ChatGPT have attracted significant attention, there’s a growing recognition of the need for more specialised AI tools in education. Researchers are developing smaller, education-specific language models that can be fine-tuned for particular subjects or educational contexts. These models aim to provide more accurate and relevant responses to student queries, potentially reducing the problems created by AI “hallucination” and offering more tailored support for learners across various disciplines.

Developing critical AI skills

At the core of effective human-AI collaboration lies the art of prompt engineering and output evaluation. 

This multifaceted skill set encompasses crafting clear, effective prompts, understanding the nuanced impact of different phrasings on AI outputs, and employing strategies for iterative refinement. Equally crucial is the ability to navigate the complexities of context and nuance in AI communication, including recognising and mitigating AI biases and providing necessary contextual information to guide AI systems effectively.

As AI-generated content becomes increasingly prevalent, developing a discerning eye becomes paramount. 

This involves honing techniques to evaluate AI outputs’ quality, relevance, and accuracy, implementing robust fact-checking strategies, and cultivating the ability to identify AI-specific artifacts or errors. 

Mastery of these skills will enable professionals to harness the full potential of AI tools while maintaining critical oversight, ensuring that the synergy between human insight and artificial intelligence produces reliable, valuable, and ethically sound results.

A new pedagogy

Looking to the near future, we can envision several innovative educational experiences leveraging AI:

AI-Powered learning companions: These could understand students’ thinking patterns, strengths, weaknesses, and preferred learning modalities, tailoring instruction in real time.

Metacognitive coaching: AI could track a student’s problem-solving approach and emotional state during learning, intervening with content and metacognitive strategies as needed.

Provocative failures: Intentionally designed educational AI that makes flawed but insightful mistakes, prompting students to critically evaluate AI output and deepen their understanding of both the algorithm and the subject domain.

Dialogue with AI philosophers: Large language models trained on historical, philosophical writings could generate plausible text echoing a specific thinker’s style and reasoning, allowing students to engage in simulated dialogues with historical figures.

Government, industry, and university initiatives in AI education

The transformative potential of AI in education has not gone unnoticed by governments, industry leaders, and academic institutions. Around the globe, various stakeholders are launching initiatives to guide and support the integration of AI into educational systems.

In Australia, the government has taken a proactive stance by releasing the Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Schools. Launched in October 2023, this comprehensive framework outlines principles for the responsible and ethical use of AI tools in education, encompassing teaching and learning, human well-being, transparency, fairness, accountability, and security. Such governmental guidance is crucial in ensuring that AI adoption in schools is effective and ethically sound.

The private sector also plays a significant role in this transition. Google, for instance, recently announced grants to support professional development for educators in AI and machine learning. This initiative aims to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate AI technologies into their classrooms, bridging the gap between technological advancement and pedagogical practice.

Educational technology providers are likewise contributing to this AI-driven transformation. In May 2024, Education Perfect, an Australian ed-tech company, launched an AI-powered feedback tool that provides students with immediate, adaptive, and personalised support across various subjects. Such innovations demonstrate how AI can enhance learning outcomes and personalise education at scale.

 In July 2024, the National Education Association (USA) approved a policy on AI in education, emphasising that students and educators must remain at the core of the educational process. 

The policy advocates using AI to enhance teaching and learning without replacing human educators or making high-stakes decisions. It calls for ethical AI development, data protection, and algorithm transparency while stressing the importance of ongoing AI literacy education for teachers and students. The NEA urges collaboration among educators, policymakers, and technology companies to ensure AI benefits all students and upholds public education values.

Despite considerable progress, the rapid pace of AI development demands continuous adaptation from educational institutions. 

As Dr. Jane Smith, an education technology researcher at the University of Melbourne, observes, “We need a more systematic, sector-wide approach to AI integration in higher education, moving beyond simply teaching about AI to teaching with AI and preparing students for a world where AI is ubiquitous.” 

To meet this challenge, universities must invest in interdisciplinary AI research, address ethical considerations, and strengthen industry collaborations, ensuring their efforts remain relevant and impactful in an AI-driven world.

The path forward

As we stand on the precipice of a new era, with the potential emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) on the horizon, the entire fabric of our society faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Universities, industries, governments, and individuals all have crucial roles to play in this transformative period. 

Professor David Johnson, an AI ethics expert at the University of Sydney, emphasises: “While universities are uniquely positioned to be at the forefront of AGI research and development, the responsibility extends far beyond academia. It is a collective obligation of our entire society to ensure that this technology is developed and deployed in ways that benefit humanity as a whole.”

The AI revolution demands a coordinated effort across all sectors. Businesses must adapt their practices and embrace ethical AI implementation. Governments must develop robust regulatory frameworks that encourage innovation while safeguarding societal interests. Educational institutions must evolve from primary schools to universities to prepare individuals for an AI-augmented world. 

Importantly, every individual has a role in shaping this future through informed engagement with AI technologies and participation in public discourse about their deployment.

By embracing these changes and rising to the challenges of the AI revolution collectively, we can chart a course toward a future in which the power of artificial intelligence is harnessed for the common good. 

The success of our society in adapting to and guiding the AI revolution will play a significant role in determining not just the future of education and work but the very nature of human progress and the potential of our species. 

As we move forward, we must approach this transformation with excitement for the possibilities, and a deep sense of responsibility for the outcomes. The future we create with AI will reflect our choices, values, and collective vision for humanity.

Professor Thomas Hajdu, professor and chair of Creative Technologies at the University of Adelaide. Thomas is director of the Sia Furler Institute, focusing on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship within the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law, and Economics. He co-founded the Art Intelligence Agency in 2019 at the University of Adelaide, where he also launched the AI Artist in Residence program. He had a long career in the US as an entrepreneur in the tech and creative industries, before moving to Australia on a Distinguished Talent Visa, settling in Adelaide. Between 2017 and 2018 he was the South Australian government’s Chief Innovator.

This article is part of The Industry Papers publication by Order your hard copy here. 36 Papers, 48 Authors, 65,000 words, 72 page tabloid newspaper + 32 page insert magazine.

The Industry Papers is a big undertaking and would not be possible without the assistance of our valued sponsors. would like to thank Geoscape Australia, The University of Sydney Faculty of Science, the S3B, AirTrunk, InnoFocus, ANDHealth, QIMR Berghofer, Advance Queensland and the Queensland Government.

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