Trailblazing mathematics scholar, Emeritus Professor Cheryl E Praeger AC, recently awarded the Companion of the Order of Australia for her work in the field of mathematics talks to InnovationAus publisher Corrie McLeod on her long career in STEM, collaborating on international joint research by sea mail in the 70s and overcoming challenges as a female in the world of mathematics.
Commercial Disco
Australia is a leader in the development of autonomous robots used in remote automation systems across a range of industries – but in the mining and resources sector in particular. Australia also has a comparative advantage in the development of industrial drone applications through its – of all things – relatively sophisticated regulatory environment. In this episode of the Commercial Disco, Dr Catherine Ball, talks about the opportunities for Australian companies to lead the world.
In this episode of the Commercial Disco, Gabrielle Upton talks about the NSW Government’s recently released Accelerating R&D Action Plan that aims to make NSW a global centre in this part of the world for research and innovation. The ambitions are bold.
John-Paul Syriatowicz co-founded Australian digital transformation leader Squiz in 1998, growing the company to more than 400 employees across 13 offices around the world. In this episode of the Commercial Disco, John-Paul talks about the skills shortages facing the R&D Tax Incentive and what its like to build product in this country.
Home-grown global software giant Atlassian has published a set of ‘Eight Principles’ that can help guide the development of sound tech policy as part of a renewed push to engage with government on policy formulation. In this episode of the Commercial Disco, we talk to Atlassian’s newly-appointed director of global public policy, David Masters, about the principles, as well as some of the policy challenges facing the Australian tech sector.
Lyria-Bennett Moses is the director at the Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation, a research collaboration between the Allens law firm and the University of New South Wales, where she is a Professor. The intersection of the law and new technologies is always fertile ground for incredibly interesting discussion. In this episode of the Commercial Disco, Professor Moses digs deep into the myriad issues related to Predictive Policing, whereby law enforcement uses tools of growing sophistication to predict – in a probabilistic sense – where crime make take place in the future. There are a lot of issues.
Australia’s mining industry is among the most competitive and most efficient in the world. It is an area in which Australia has built competitive advantage. So how do leverage the genuine scale and expertise of supply chains in the resources sector to build a globally-focused Australian technology sector.
Panellists include: Larry Marshall, CEO at CSIRO, Adrian Beer, CEO of METS Ignited Australia, Sally-Ann Williams, CEO of Cicada Innovations, Sharna Glover, non-executive director of Robotics Australia, and moderated by InnovationAus editorial director, James Riley.
Australian Human Rights Commissioner talks to the Commercial Disco about his deep-dive investigation of issues at the nexus of human rights and technology.
“It will be to our competitive advantage if we can show to consumers overseas, that a piece of AI or new technology developed here has human rights protections baked in,” he says.
The workings of big business and government have come under intense scrutiny in recent times. The Banking Royal Commission revealed multiple instances of malfeasance. The enquiry into Victoria’s hotel quarantine debacle failed to identify who authorised the use of private security firms, despite revealing details of many emails, phone conversations and text messages.
Investigations like these rely on trawling vast repositories of information in search of evidence. Technology is increasingly able to streamline searches for information and even discover important details and events that were never put on record. Public Access Deputy Commissioner in the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) Joanne Kummrow talks with InnovationAus editorial director James Riley and Mimecast country manager for Australia, Nick Lennon on AI and the information discovery challenge.
Australia boasts one of the most competitive and efficient mining sectors in the world. It is a sector where Australia significant competitive advantage. But it is a sector that is also undergoing tremendous disruptive change through the impact of new technologies from artificial intelligence, robotics, remote sensoring and all forms of industrial automation. This is a challenge and opportunity for Australia. If we can reconfigure our supply chains in the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector and build a strong domestic capability, we can make our mines more efficient as well as export these products and services to the world. Capability developed in our huge mining sector can be leveraged into adjacent industries ranging from agriculture and food production to defence and space.