
DTO sets up in grungy Ultimo

Australia’s shiny new Digital Transformation Office is getting down and dirty in the hipster heartland. The nation’s newest agency is to set up shop inside a bunker-style co-location workspace...

Old economy voices lead summit

For all the worthiness of the discussion related to the tech sector and entrepreneurialism at the National Reform Summit, it is difficult to see how the motherhood statements will...

Adelaide: looking for love in Asia

Once upon a time, in the heady days of 1987 when The Bangles, Whitney Houston and Crowded House ruled the pop charts, South Australia was preparing to create a...

A political football named NBN Co

I wish it were otherwise, but it is impossible to cover the innovation sector in Australia without occasionally writing about the National Broadband Network. The notion of a broadband...

Prospa’s payroll tax challenge

It is fitting that the first High-Growth Focus interview, a feature that will appear every Wednesday in, is with a FinTech company that offers small business loans online. Prospa...

We need to pivot, not reform

I like Chris Richardson; I used to work with him at Access Economics so I have known him and followed his views for some 15 years. He is a...

Huawei CEO opens charm offensive

It’s not often Australia hosts the global CEO of a multinational technology outfit. That changed briefly last week when networking giant Huawei’s chief executive, Ken Hu, shared a platform...

STEM vs STEAM: the new debate

Last week’s Science Week highlighted the policy challenge of developing the so-called STEM skills in Australia. Australia’s concern over STEM skills is shared across many major Western economies, but...

Tech smarts shine at Telstra Awards

A Western Australian security firm took the top honours at the prestigious Telstra Business Awards in Sydney last night, at an event crowded with tech innovation and entrepreneurial smarts....

Funding boost for export scheme

The Commonwealth’s Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) scheme is set for a significant funding boost over the next three years, with the tabling of an independent report in Parliament...

Dominello drives big data analytics

Victor Dominello has been in the job a little over four months as New South Wales’ first Minister for Innovation. He works in a Cabinet where no less than...

Clover Moore’s startup action plan

A day after our Federal politicians disputed about whether science policy is only about innovation or includes wider goals, the City of Sydney has taken the discussion of support...

Thodey Part 2: data analytics is key

Australia is facing a skills shortage in the key field of data analytics, amid concerns from incoming CSIRO chief David Thodey that the nation’s education system does not make...

PC to investigate Aust patent laws

The Productivity Commission has been instructed to undertake an investigation into Australia’s intellectual property arrangements, including their effect on investment, competition, trade, innovation, and consumer welfare. The Treasurer Joe...