
Cities policy and citizen benefits

Innovation policy at all levels of government has to demonstrate benefit for everyday Australians clearly in order to have a chance of being effective, Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale said....

Melbourne’s plan to get smart

Smart cities initiatives in Melbourne mark a shift from top-down governance to citizen-centric policy-making, according to Liberal Senator for Victoria Jane Hume. Speaking at’s Intelligent Communities event in...

Growing demand for IoT standards

The technologies used to improve city services will require standards-based interoperability and security protocols to take advantage of truly smart cities potential, Giant Ideas director Catherine Caruana-McManus said. Speaking...

Aussies get spooky cloud creds

Two local tech companies have been certified to store classified government data on their services as the federal government continues its move to cloud storage. Canberra-based companies Vault Systems...

Victoria brings 500 Startups to Aus

The Victorian government has spent more than $2.5 million to bring one of the largest startup accelerators in the world to Australian shores. The investment in Silicon Valley-based accelerator...

Regional cities: Proof of concept

Smaller cities like Bendigo present a huge opportunity to act as large-scale proof of concept projects for smart cities strategic policy planning, experts say. Victoria’s Minister for Public Transport...

The Snowy Hydro and cities policy

The Snowy Hydro expansion is an example of how good cities policies aren’t properly realised until decades in the future, Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation Angus Taylor...

Sydney slides on ecosystem ranks

You wouldn’t want to bet your house on the veracity of global startup ecosystem rankings. But if you take them with a grain of salt, they are a yardstick...

Cities policy needs tech standards

The three levels of government in Australia will need to work in tight cooperation on cities policy and investment if the nation is to extract the maximum benefit from...

Singapore gets its Landing Pad

The fifth and final of Australia’s much-ballyhooed international ‘Landing Pads’ is now operational in Singapore. It joins those in San Francisco, Berlin, Shanghai and Tel Aviv. The Landing Pads are...

Musk offer is no way to govern

You can’t fault the billionaire Australian software entrepreneur Mike Cannon-Brookes’ motivation for pressing for a 100MW battery storage facility to be set up in South Australia to help it through...

China and a new cyber arms race

If there were any doubts about the broad direction of the next wave of technological development, China has put them to rest with a national artificial intelligence strategy amid...

Feds’ Cyber CIC is RainbowLand

The Federal Government’s new Critical Infrastructure Centre (CIC) is going through “the puppy dogs and rainbows stage” before the harsh realities of maintaining cyber defence set in, says a...

R&D: Keep calm, carry on claiming

The industry department has been scrambling to produce new eligibility case studies to address the fear and loathing among tech-enabled startups over a perceived tightening of the R&D Tax...