
Snapchatty fun with Asian apps

First there was Didi Chuxing, now there is Snow. Never heard of them? They are just two of the Asian developed and headquartered mobile apps that are challenging the...

An Israeli expat and Aussie growth

Israel has an enviable track record in nurturing fast growth, high tech startups and the culture appears to transplant neatly to Australia where the Israeli expat founded Epicon is...

Local, State, Fed digital delivery

The Commonwealth will unveil the ‘live’ pilot of a digital service that lets users complete end-to-end approvals transactions across all three levels of government through a single portal for...

Cyber’s uncertain career paths

For all the talk about the fundamental importance of cyber security and top-notch technical skills to secure Australia’s place in the global digital economy, there is little said about...

R&D tax: Hammer cracks a nut

The R&D Tax Incentive scheme has become muddled by middlemen and a hardening from the ATO in how claims are viewed could be scaring off the firms most in...

No progress on ACCC startup rule

A lack of clarity from the competition watchdog and government on the proposed crackdown on startup acquisitions could lead to an “investment freeze” in Australia, Shadow Minister for the...

Judgement Day for robo-debt

Centrelink’s robo-debt fiasco was the result of a lack of planning and poor usability and transparency, rather than bad digital transformation, the Commonwealth Ombudsman has found. The national watchdog...

TechOne’s Di Marco steps down

TechnologyOne executive chairman Adrian Di Marco will step down from his position on May 23. It will be 30 years since he founded the company in a spare room...

Disrupting VC: iAngels on Israel

You have to wonder at how far the world has turned on its axis when Israeli venture firms are arriving in Australia to raise money. This seems counterintuitive. The...

New DTA to link with Data61

Newly-appointed Digital Transformation Agency chief executive Gavin Slater – an ex-banker from Melbourne – will be spending plenty of time in airports in the coming months as the governments...

Identity remains the digital key

The Government’s GovPass digital identity system will be firmly opt-in – citizens who don’t wish to use the streamlined platform and its biometric component won’t have to. According to...

Labor calls for gov’t tech review

On digital transformation in government, bipartisanship has left the building. The Federal Opposition is calling for an independent, arms-length review of the government digital transformation efforts and its growing...

R&D tax is an uncertain mess

A weird silence has descended on discussions about the future of the R&D Tax Incentive. Uncertainty about how the scheme will be applied to software is already having an...

457 visas for tech under attack

With xenophobia raging in the US and Europe and a golden opportunity arising to lure the best and brightest innovation talent to these shores, how seriously should we take...