
Crowdfunding now a private thing

Equity crowdfunding will soon be available to all Australian companies following sustained pressure from the Opposition and startup community. The government revealed the move to extend the funding scheme...

Daring to dream: Budget 2017

The last three federal budgets have provided only meagre fare for the Aussie tech and innovation sectors. But tonight will be different. There will be meat on the bones...

Labor on tech policy and fairness

Labor’s Chris Bowen did the tech and innovation industry a huge favour last week by going out so hard against the Turnbull Government’s stop-start policy enthusiasm for the sector....

Economy needs better data sharing

The Productivity Commission (PC) has released its report on ‘Data Availability and its Use’. It recommends a new Data Sharing and Release Act, and the creation of the position...

Mobile roaming is now a snore

There was the usual wailing and gnashing of the teeth when the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission surprised the industry last week by deciding it would not force Telstra...

NSW’s first CISO – focus on identity

The NSW government will reach out across the public and private sectors to build a strong cyber regime for the state under the government’s first chief information security officer...

The Five Eyes of cyber risk/reward

Australians must get more comfortable sharing cyber-related threat information if the nation is to secure its online assets, and take advantage of the multi-billion dollar global cyber security market,...

Budget boost for Vic tech startups

The Victorian budget will provide further funding for local tech companies and improve the talent pipeline in the state, Minister for Innovation Philip Dalidakis said. While lacking many new...

Uni’s tap new commercial return

Universities play a key role in Australia’s innovation ecosystem and in improving its commercialisation efforts, according to Swinburne Innovation Precinct director Professor Sally McArthur. Virtually all Australian universities now...

R&D changes to ‘devastate’ biotech

Potential changes to the R&D tax incentive would “devastate” the booming biotechnology industry in Australia, a new report has found. The Biotechnology Industry Position Survey 2017 found that the...

Breach laws to change everything

Australia’s cyber security scene is will undergo substantial change over the next year with the introduction of mandatory disclosure of data breaches the major driver. The new legislation was...

Govt taps new cyber alumni plan

Australia could see the formation of a cyber security alumni network that would bring the country’s best and brightest digital security brains into play to combat a national cyber...

Vic budget lands $90m tech boost

The Victorian Government’s push to attract large international tech firms to set up shop in Melbourne has received a $90 million boost as part of the state’s 2017-18 budget....

Qld cranks its startup engines

Cat Matson, one of Australia’s first city-based Chief Digital Officers recently signed up for a second two-year term – but being based in Brisbane she faces a unique challenge....