Husic to meet with US Commerce secretary Gina Raimondo

James Riley
Editorial Director

Industry and Science minister Ed Husic left Australia on Wednesday for a week-long ministerial visit to the United States where his itinerary includes high-level talks with US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo.

Although the whirlwind tour includes formal participation in the G’Day USA 20th anniversary activities this weekend, its primary focus aligns largely with priorities of the National Reconstruction Fund, with site visits to leaders in quantum technologies, robotics and biomedical technology.

Mr Husic will spend time at tech companies both on the west coast and the east coast of the United States, meeting with Psi Quantum in California, as well as biomedical giant Moderna and Mass Robotics in Boston before heading to Washington for meetings with policy makers.

“A lot of this [visit to the US] lines up with my priorities in relation to the [roll-out of the] National Reconstruction Fund, so that’s quantum, robotics and biomedical,” Mr Husic said.

“I will be sitting down with the US Secretary of Commerce [Gina Raimondo] as my equivalent in their administration to talk through issues around supply chains, technology standards and those sorts of primary areas for ongoing cooperation.”

Mr Husic said the Australian Government is working closely with the US to address supply chain challenges, explore investment opportunities and navigate the global transition to using clean energy.

“I’m looking forward to meeting key industry stakeholders and developing partnerships to advance Australia’s world leading science capabilities and cutting-edge technological know how.”

Mr Husic will also attend a range of events including the American Australian Association’s G’Day USA business roundtable to deliver a speech on the Albanese government’s industry and science priorities, and Austrade’s Landing Pad event to visit with Australian tech-enabled startups.

Although he will spend a short time in Washington DC, Mr Husic won’t be calling on Australia’s outgoing Ambassador the to US Arthur Sinodinos, having met with him over the Christmas and New Year break while on a private visit to the US.

A central theme of the ministerial visit will be to promote investment opportunities to the major US industry players in areas of technology and deep tech science that align with the priorities set out for the National Reconstruction Fund – “including our renewable and low emission technologies, medical sciences and value adding to our agriculture, forestry, fisheries and resources sectors”.

“Discussions with industry leaders will boost Australia’s economic integration with the US, as well as inform our national quantum, robotics and battery strategies to strengthen Australia’s economic prosperity and resilience,” Mr Husic said.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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