FMiA tsar Tim Ayres to launch The Industry Papers in Canberra

James Riley
Editorial Director

The Prime Minister’s point man on the Future Made in Australia agenda Senator Tim Ayres will deliver the opening keynote address to The Industry Papers’ Canberra forum at Old Parliament House on September 11.

Senator Ayres was promoted in Anthony Albanese’ July ministerial reshuffle to provide oversight of the initiative as Assistant Minister for the Future Made in Australia from within the Prime Minister’s portfolio. He also retained his other ministerial post as Assistant Minister for Trade.

Next week is shaping as a critical moment for the nation’s industrial programs, with the Future Made in Australia legislation expected to be put the Senate on Wednesday.

With the crossbench voting on the bill still in the balance, Senator Ayres’ keynote at The Industry Papers’ forum is being keenly anticipated, and delivered in front of audience of technology and policy experts from across Australia.

You can reserve your seat at The Industry Papers forum and networking lunch by clicking here.

In addition to Senator Ayres, four other new speakers have been added to the program. They are Professor Arun Sharma, chair of the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute; Belinda Dennett, senior director for government relations at AirTrunk; Dr Hon Wen Chong, founder and CEO at Cortical Labs; and Zach Dowse, Co-founder and COO at Syenta.

The Industry Papers is a 65,000-word, tabloid-sized newspaper filled with policy papers from a stable of researchers, academics, entrepreneurs and business people – with each putting forward proposals for driving Australian industry.

Australia’s chief scientist Cathy Foley will present her paper on the ingredients necessary to build a strong quantum ecosystem, while the former chief executive at CSIRO’s Data61 business unit Adrian Turner outlines Australia’s potential to build a global industry in biosecurity. Mr Turner is the founder of biosecurity startup ExoFlare.

Confirmed speakers for The Industry Papers’ Canberra launch event are:

  • Senator Tim Ayres, Assistant Minister for a Future Made in Australia, Assistant Minister for Trade
  • Dr Cathy Foley, Chief Scientist, Australian Government
  • Dean Capobianco, CEO, Geoscape
  • Dr Hon Weng Chong, founder and CEO, Cortical Labs
  • Belinda Dennett, senior government relations director, AirTrunk
  • Dr Priya Dev, academic blockchain & data analytics, ANU
  • Zach Dowse, co-founder and COO, Syenta
  • Professor Roy Green, director, CSIRO and special innovation advisor, UTS
  • Dr Sue Keay, chair, Robotics Australia Group
  • Mark Luo, CEO, Quantum Brilliance
  • David McKeague, co-founder, Curious Things AI
  • Professor Arun Sharma, chair, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
  • Rachel Slattery, director, Silver Futures
  • Adrian Turner, founder and CEO, ExoFlare
  • Aleksandar Vranesevic, partner and co-founder, Reason Group
  • Professor Marina Zhang, Australia-China Relations Institute, UTS

“Publishing The Industry Papers is an energising experience. As it does each year, the call-out for papers brings forward fresh ideas and new thinking, and the process never fails to uncover incredible talent from within our innovation ecosystem,” said publisher Corrie McLeod.

“These papers are an important and positive contribution to the national discussion about Australia’s industrial policies, and we thank our authors for their time and their brain-power in bringing to life their policy ideas,” she said.

The Industry Papers includes a 32-page BioTech, MedTech and Digital Health magazine called The Health Liftout that is focused on the special needs of these sectors. Australia has tremendous research strengths in the health sector, providing a platform from which to build for global supply chains.

The authors featured in The Health Liftout include University of Melbourne cardiologist and BioMelbourne Network director Professor Ian Meredith; Lumira Ventures managing director Australia Ben Constable; The Violet Initiative chair Kate Carnell; and ANDHealth chief executive Bronwyn Le Grice.

The Industry Papers Canberra forum takes place on the morning of Wednesday September 11 at Old Parliament House. The morning forum is followed by a networking lunch. You can reserve your seat at both events by following this link.

The Industry Papers is a big undertaking and would not be possible without the assistance of our valued sponsors. would like to thank Geoscape Australia, The University of Sydney Faculty of Science, the Semiconductor Sector Service Bureau (S3B), AirTrunk, InnoFocus, ANDHealth, QIMR Berghofer, Advance Queensland and the Queensland Government.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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