How do I enter?
Glad to see you’re interested – entries open 9 May 2024. Register your account through our secure awards platform. Register and log in here.
What's the final deadline for submitting my entry?
The deadline is 11:59pm, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 – if you have any concerns or need an extension, email awards@innovationaus.com
Is there a cost to enter?
Yes, there’s an entry cost of $150+GST per entry.
Early Bird prices will run from 9 – 24 May 2024.
Want to enter the same or different IP in another category? There’s a 50% discount for multiple entries.
Do I need permission to enter on behalf of a third party?
By submitting an entry, you are confirming that you have the permission of any third party or contributing partner, mentioned in the application, to enter the awards.
If your entry is focused on innovation that was created jointly with another organisation, you may enter with the other organisation’s consent and mention this within the application, or complete as a joint entry. All parties to a joint entry will be deemed to have accepted the Terms and Conditions outlined within the entry.
Who cannot enter?
Directors, officers, management and employees of sponsors, or of agencies or companies associated with sponsors (unless InnovationAus.com determines there’s no sponsor influence, which will be done at the publication’s discretion), and the immediate families of those people, cannot enter in the category that the relevant sponsor is sponsoring.
How do you categorise IP?
The organisation must own the intellectual property of any innovation included in the entry and the majority (over 50%) of the innovation must have been created in Australia.
What do I need to include in my entry?
The online form will outline the requirements for that category. If you have any queries, contact awards@innovationaus.com
Does my organisation have to be Australian-based?
The InnovationAus Awards for Excellence is open to organisations operating in Australia during the entry period which have an ABN.
Is my submission confidential?
Within the entry form, there is a section where you can mark confidential information for the judges’ eyes only. This marked material will not be published if you were to become a finalist or winner.
Our work spans several categories, can I enter more than one?
You may enter as many categories as you wish as long as the focus of the submission is on how the innovation has had an impact on that particular category.
Entry fees are payable for each entry made, however, there’s a 50% discount for multiple entries.
What happens after I submit?
Our team will check your entry to make sure it meets the criteria outlined in the Terms and Conditions. If complete, your entry will be included in the judging process.
If simple elements are missing, we will be in contact to ensure you have the best chance to win.
Will I receive feedback?
InnovationAus.com is encouraging judges to provide feedback to each entrant as part of the scoring process. This feedback may be used when announcing the finalists and same for winners.
InnovationAus.com will endeavour to pass on any feedback to you once the judging process is complete.
How are judges selected?
The judging panel will consist of independent, senior professionals across all categories. No one from InnovationAus.com will be a judge on any of the categories.
Judges will be nominated for categories whereby there is the least chance of a conflict of interest. In the event of a conflict, the judge will abstain from taking part in the scoring of the entry and may change category.
What is the judging process?
The judges will mark the entries according to a weighted criteria point system and create a shortlist in each category. All judges will then meet to discuss the shortlist and choose the ultimate winner for each category.
The judges reserve the right to transfer your entry to another category if it is deemed more suitable. If an entry is transferred, the entry fee still stands.
In the event that your category is cancelled due to the quality or number of submissions, you will be entitled to a refund of the entry fee.
The judges’ decision is final unless new information comes to light after judging, in which case a ruling may be made by InnovationAus.com in consultation with judges.
If you become a finalist, you will be notified on InnovationAus.com and via email in August 2024.
I am unable to attend the Awards Ceremony, what happens if I win?
If you’re a finalist and can’t get to Sydney, let’s chat. Email awards@innovationaus.com
How do I buy a ticket/table to the event?
Tickets can be purchased through this link.
How do I become a sponsor?
Please contact awards@innovationaus.com if you would like to support this game-changing awards program in 2024.
What if none of the answers above answer my question?
Email awards@innovationaus.com.au and the team will get back to you.