Adobe lands $32 million myGov tech contract

Denham Sadler
Senior Reporter

The federal government will pay US multinational Adobe more than $30 million to provide “core technology components” to underpin the new version of myGov, with total contracts for the project now worth nearly $80 million.

Services Australia entered into a contract with Adobe last month to provide “core customer experience technology to enable a Digital Experience Platform”, which was posted publicly on Monday.

Bennography /

The contract is worth $32,323,500 and runs for three years, and relates to GovDXP, an “enhanced” version of myGov which will eventually replace the government services platform with one with a user experience more in line with private sector offerings from the likes of Facebook and Netflix.

Under the new contract, Adobe will be providing the technological platform that the new version of myGov will run on. It’s a significant step in the development of an “enhanced” version of myGov, which the federal government has been working on for the last 18 months.

Services Australia general manager Hank Jongen said Adobe will be providing “core technology components” for the new myGov platform.

“Services Australia will leverage the Adobe platform to design and build the experience delivery, content management and experience analytics components of the new enhanced myGov,” Mr Jongen told InnovationAus in a statement.

“The Digital Experience Platform will allow future myGov content to be tailored to people’s needs and deliver a better experience through more targeted connections to information and services. Adobe and the systems integrator providers will support Services Australia in the delivery of the enhanced myGov program.”

More than $200 million over two years was provided in the May budget for the ongoing project.

It comes after it was revealed that Services Australia has entered into contracts for systems integration work on the new myGov worth $7.5 million this financial year, with most running for about six months.

The federal government began work on the new myGov project at the start of last year, and has now awarded contracts to private companies worth about $80 million for it.

The GovDXP project kicked off early last year when the Digital Transformation Agency brought in consulting giant Deloitte on a near-$1 million contract for a 90-day sprint to develop a prototype of a new myGov platform.

Deloitte was then awarded a $9 million contract to turn this prototype into a working beta, with the value of this deal ballooning to nearly $30 million across 2020.

Responsibility for the project was shifted to Services Australia late last year, which entered into a new contract with Deloitte for the US multinational to continue its work.

The department also established a systems integrator panel for further work on the “enhanced” myGov, with four members: Deloitte, Accenture, Arq Group and IBM.

Earlier this year, Services Australia also handed Deloitte a $5.5 million contract to develop a new mobile app for myGov.

Earlier this week, it was revealed by InnovationAus that Services Australia had entered into 10 contracts worth a total of $7.5 million with members of its myGov panel in this financial year alone.

Deloitte has landed the large bulk of this work and will be paid more than $5.3 million this financial year across five contracts.

Irish-domiciled multinational Accenture will be paid more than $1.5 million in the second half of 2021 for work on the new myGov across two contracts, while Arq Group, the only Australian company working on the project, will be paid $622,000.

IBM is yet to be awarded any contracts under the myGov panel.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

1 Comment
  1. Brett 3 years ago

    Is it just me or can no one else do the maths? With this kind of money they could employ an army of capable developers and tech leads to build it quicker, better and faster.

    What is this love affair with corporate and these bloated “Consultancies”


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