Meet the judges: 2024 Awards for Excellence

Stuart Mason

With the deadline for entries fast approaching, it is a great pleasure to introduce our panel of judges for the InnovationAus Awards for Excellence 2024, the industry’s most prestigious awards program.

In fact, due to a large number of inquiries in recent days, the final deadline for entries has been extended by ten days. You now have until midnight on 3 July 2024 to submit your entries.

That’s less than two weeks away, so get moving people! You can find the Awards online entry portal via the home page.

In the meantime, we are also delighted to officially unveil the 34 industry leaders who will judge the applications, finding the outstanding companies and individuals who will be our 2024 finalists and winners.

The winners will be announced at the industry’s biggest night of the year, the InnovationAus Awards for Excellence black-tie gala dinner, this year being held at the ‘The Venue’, in Sydney’s Alexandria on the evening of Wednesday, October 30 2024. You can book your tickets to the dinner here.

Since applications opened for the awards, we have received huge interest across the board and a swathe of strong entries already.

There has been particularly strong interest in the health, manufacturing innovation, food and agritech, energy and renewables and software categories so far.

This means that now is the time to apply for the awards, especially if you have an innovative service or product in the defence, dual-use technology and space, cybersecurity, AI industry pioneer and Translation Hero categories.

This will give you the opportunity to be honoured at the gala dinner where the winners will be announced, and to be featured across the InnovationAus platform in the lead up.

There has also been major interest in particular from New South Wales and Victoria-based companies, and we encourage those from other areas of the country to apply for their respective categories.

Entering the InnovationAus Awards provides a significant opportunity to be noticed and recognised for your innovative product or service, and to be featured alongside some of the biggest and most promising tech companies and figures in the country.

Finalists will be featured in profile articles published by over the next four months, and will each be given two complimentary tickets to the black tie gala dinner.

The online application is simple and straight-forward, and the entries will be judged at arms’ length from the InnovationAus editorial team.

All entries will be judged by a roster of some of Australia’s most esteemed and successful figures in research and technology.

We are proud to unveil the 34 judges who will be sitting on panels to analyse the various categories and select the finalists and winners.

These judges will be focusing on five key areas: commercial success, translation of intellectual property, impact, non-R&D innovations and applied technologies.

The judges include the National AI Centre’s director Stela Solar and industry program manager Eloise Leaver, and CSIRO’s Chief Scientist Professor Bronwyn Fox and Director of Corporate Affairs Tanya Bowes.

There are also many judges from private sector companies, organisations and VC funds, including 3eep Ventures executive director Rob Antulov, gemaker Managing Director Natalie Chapman, Reason Group CEO William Scheer and Human VC Managing Director Elaine Stead.

Former NSW Attorney-General and Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier responsible for research and development Gabrielle Upton and NSW government Chief Data Scientist Dr Ian Oppermann.

The full list of judges for the InnovationAus 2024 Awards for Excellence, in alphabetic order:

  • Rob Antulov, Executive Director, 3eep Ventures
  • Chris Baxter, Managing Director, Baxter IP
  • Adrian Beer, CEO, METS Ignited
  • Tanya Bowes, Director of Corporate Affairs, CSIRO
  • Amanda Cattermole, CEO, Australian Digital Health Agency
  • Natalie Chapman, Managing Director and co-founder, gemaker
  • Emma Coath, Managing Director, Rocket Seeder
  • Leigh Dayton, Consultant, science and innovation
  • Megan Fisher, CEO and Director, EnergyLab
  • Professor Bronwyn Fox, Chief Scientist, CSIRO
  • Andrew Fox-Smith, President – International, Enovis
  • Sara Goldsworthy, Head of National Security and Defence Policy, AWS
  • Caitlin Green, CEO, KINSHIP Digital
  • Professor Thomas Hajdu, Director, The Sia Furler Institute, The University of Adelaide
  • Sally Hallis, Principle Owner, Kingdom
  • Alexandra Harrington, Industry Advisory Board Member for University of Technology Sydney, CEO and Founder of Noegenesis
  • Andrew Horsley, Co-founder and CTO, Quantum Brilliance
  • Murray Hurps, Director of Entrepreneurship, University of Technology Sydney, Managing Director, Startup Muster
  • Raelene Knowles, COO, Interactive Games and Entertainment Association
  • Eloise Leaver, Industry Program Manager, National AI Centre
  • Bronwyn Le Grice, Co-founder, CEO and Managing Director, ANDHealth
  • Paul Levins, Co-founder, EverCase, Inc
  • Leopold Lucas, Head of Strategy, Finance and BizOps, Tech Council
  • David Masters, Head of Global Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Atlassian
  • Dr Ian Oppermann, NSW Government Chief Data Scientist, Industry Professor at University of Technology Sydney
  • Professor Nigel Phair, Professor – Practise, Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity, Monash University
  • William Scheer, Founder and CEO, Reason Group
  • Stela Solar, Director, National AI Centre, CSIRO
  • Elaine Stead, Managing Director, Human VC
  • Matt Tett, Managing Director, Enex TestLab, Co-chair, Australian Women in Security Network
  • Pia Turcinov, Chair, Women in Technology WA
  • The Hon Gabrielle Upton, Advisory Board, The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology
  • Duco van Breemen, CEO, Haymarket HQ
  • Marina Yastreboff, National Convenor and President, Australian Society for Computers, Western Sydney University

The deadline for entries to the InnovationAus Awards for Excellence 2024 close at midnight on July 3, 2024. You can find the entry portal for the Awards here.

The InnovationAus Awards for Excellence 2024 black-tie dinner will be held on the evening of Wednesday October 30. You can book your tickets to the dinner here.

You can find more detail about the Award categories and judging criteria here.

Now in its fourth year, the InnovationAus Awards for Excellence is the highest profile program for the tech and innovation sector. The Awards are supported through a partnership with the ACS, the technology sector’s professional association, with Investment NSW as host partner, and sponsors the Tech Council of Australia, Reason Group, Q-CTRL, the National AI Centre and CSIRO’s ON Innovation Program.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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